The Indian people in general and muslims in particular finally lost everything in 1857 and since that downfall, they never got it right. Subsequently, other ethnic and religious groups got their priorities right and started their own rebuilding. Indian Hindus have always been introvert and very faithful to their motherland. To them, the Indian soil is everything. Indian Muslims faced the dilemma of chosing either local things or follow arabia. Except a few open minded liberals, every muslim favored following arabs rather than contending themselves and remaining faithful to their own soil.
That was the main reason why they overwhelmingly supprted the idea of splitting their own soil into pieces after the British left. Once they got their own country in 1947, they continued with their Pan-Islamist dreams and creating a great Khilafat once again. Khilafat has been out of scene for at least a thousand years but Pakistani Muslims have never forgotten it. Why? because their leaders are constantly reminding them that all muslims have to be united to defeat the "evil". Who is this evil? There is no one definition for this evil. For the extreme nuts, anyone who is outside their immediate circle is an infidel (kafir) and evil, and therefore need to be either brought inside their won circle or put to death!!
For the slightly less extreme nuts, the evil is India. They would love to listen to indian music and watch every non sense indian movie, but the moment you ask them what you think about india, a hell is broke loose. They would go to any extent to wipe out india!!
For the educated pakistanis, the evil is "The West". They can go to any extent to blame Europe and the US (and Israel) for their own failures. They can trace the origin of any problem in the world back to the west. If you ask them why? nobody has a definite answer. Well, let me take that back, actually nobody can dare ask them that question, because if you asked them, then whoever has asked the question would be labelled as a traitor, and liable to be put to death.
Has any paksitani ever accpted the responsibility for any of their actions? The answer is a clear NO. Their favorite motto is blame the other guy! If you show them the mirror, you are in trouble, however, if you join them in their condemnation of the West, then everything is fine.
Things would become much better for all pakistanis, if they accepted their own fault and tried to find solution for thier OWN problems inside Pakistan. They need to stop being misguided missles, they need to stop worrying about palestineans, they need to stop worrying about the kashmiris, they need to stop worrying about the Chechans, all of them are well capable of taking care of themselves. Charity begins at home, feed you neighbor first before worrying about someone who is sitting a million miles away!
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